Always Room for More
C3 Darwin is a friendly and diverse church community - we love welcoming new people! People from over 60 different cultural backgrounds call our church home, worshipping and growing together, united by Christ. Whatever your story and wherever you are at in your journey of faith, we look forward to helping you find a place of belonging.
Connect Groups
Connect Groups are a key part of church community. They are places of friendship and hospitality, with opportunity to grow in faith with others. We keep it real, relaxed and fun! Connect Groups meet regularly in the City, Northern Suburbs and Palmerston area and we’d love to help you find one that suits you.

Some great Courses also run throughout the year. These include:
- ALPHA for exploring faith and meaning
-THE MARRIAGE COURSE to enrich relationships
- NEW LIFE for understanding the foundations of the Christian faith
- SEARCH FOR LIFE for understanding our identity and finding freedom
Get Involved

There is a so much fulfilment in using our God-given giftings and time to serve others! It's normal to be involved in some way in the life of the church & we'd love to invite you to join the team!
There's a variety of ways you can serve in church and in the community to make a difference. Most areas work on monthly rosters and you'll be given all the training and info you need to get started.